All functions are available in the top-level namespace. But are defined in submodules modules to keep the directory structure clean.

trace(traces: Union[List[Trace], Trace], *args, ax: matplotlib.axes._axes.Axes | None = None, limits: Optional[Tuple[UTCDateTime, UTCDateTime]] = None, nooffset: bool = False, colors: list = ['k', 'r', 'b'], labels: List[str] = ['Observed', 'Synthetic', 'New Synthetic'], origin_time: obspy.core.utcdatetime.UTCDateTime | None = None, lw: list | float = 1.0, ls: list | str = '-', absmax: float | None = None, normalization_type: str | int = 'all', plot_labels: bool = True, legend: bool = True, window: bool = False, windowkwargs: dict | None = None, **kwargs)[source]#

Plot a single or a list of traces.

tracestp.List[obspy.Trace] | obspy.Trace

obspy.Trace or list of traces

axmatplotlib.axes.Axes | None, optional

plot into existing axes, by default None

limitstp.Tuple[obspy.UTCDateTime, obspy.UTCDateTime] | None, optional

set axes limits to UTCDateTimes or floats if origin_time is given, by default None

nooffsetbool, optional

if you are comparing two traces they are automatically offset, set True if you don’t want that, by default False

colorslist, optional

list of colors for traces, has to be same length or longer than the number of traces provided, by default [‘k’, ‘r’, ‘b’]

labelstp.List[str], optional

list of colors for labels, has to be same length or longer than the number of traces provided, by default [‘Observed’, ‘Synthetic’, ‘New Synthetic’]

origin_timeobspy.UTCDateTime | None, optional

plot traces with respect to some origin time, by default None

lwlist | float, optional

line width(s) can be single float or list thereof. List has to be same length or longer than the number of traces provided, by default 1.0

lslist | str, optional

line styles(s) can be single float or list thereof. List has to be same length or longer than the number of traces provided, by default ‘-’

absmaxfloat | None, optional

normalize traces with respect to a specific absmax, by default None

normalization_typestr | int, optional

finds absmax to normalize by with respect trace with this index or with respect to ‘all’ traces, by default ‘all’

plot_labelsbool, optional

Plot trace label, absmax amplitude, by default True

legendbool, optional

plot a legend or not, by default True

windowbool, optional

plot windows if available, by default False

windowkwargsdict | None, optional

kwargs for window plotting, by default None


returns axes that the traces have been plotted to


Wrong normalization type input

station(streams: Union[List[Stream], Stream], *args, components: str = 'ZRT', transparent_axes: bool = False, **kwargs)[source]#

Plots given set of components of stream(s). Is a wrapper around .trace() so obsplotlib.seismogram.trace(). Streams should only contain traces of a single station. Otherwise, result may be unpredictable.

streamstp.List[obspy.Stream] | obspy.Stream

Stream or list of Streams to compare.

componentsstr, optional

which components to plot, by default “ZRT”

list of matplotlib.axes.Axes

Each axes contains a component. From top to bottom.

section(streams: List[Stream], *args, origin_time: obspy.core.utcdatetime.UTCDateTime | None = None, ax: matplotlib.axes._axes.Axes | None = None, comp='Z', limits: Optional[Tuple[UTCDateTime]] = None, scale: float = 1.0, colors=['k', 'r', 'b'], ls=['-', '-', '-'], lw=[0.75, 0.75, 0.75], labels=['Observed', 'Synthetic', 'New'], legendargs: dict | None = None, align: bool = False, absmax: float | None = None, window: bool = False, plot_geometry: bool = True, dist_label: bool = True, az_label: bool = True, plot_amplitudes: bool = True, plot_stations_right: bool = False, skip_station: int | None = None, invert: bool = False, **kwargs)[source]#

Plots a section of seismograms of given stream or stream set. The stream(s) need(s) to contain traces which have the distance parameter set.


obspy.Stream or list of obspy.Streams

origin_timeobspy.UTCDateTime | None, optional

origin time to plot traces agains, by default None

axmatplotlib.axes.Axes | None, optional

axes to plot the section into, by default None

compstr, optional

which component to plot, by default ‘Z’

limitstp.Tuple[obspy.UTCDateTime] | None, optional

time limits, by default None

scalefloat, optional

since the traces have to be normalized, we can scale them after normalization, by default 1.0

colorslist, optional

list of colors must be equal or longer than list of streams, by default [‘k’, ‘r’, ‘b’]

labelslist, optional

list of labels must be equal or longer than list of streams, by default [‘Observed’, ‘Synthetic’, ‘New’]

legendargsdict | None, optional

a set of arguments to be parsed to plt.legend() if None, no legend is plotted, by default None

alignbool, optional

align traces to a traveltime. traces must have stats.traveltime parameter and origin time must be given, by default False

absmaxfloat | None, optional

optional value to normalize traces by. If none, automatically determined, by default None

windowbool, optional

plot windows if available, by default False

plot_geometrybool, optional

plot geometry information, by default True

dist_labelbool, optional

plot distance label, by default True

az_labelbool, optional

plot azimuth label, by default True

plot_amplitudesbool, optional

plot amplitudes on the right axis, by default True

tuple of matplotlib.axes.Axes

first axes is the main axes that is plotted into which handles yticklabels on the right, the second axes handles yticklabels on the right.


if align=True, but no origin_time given


if align=True, but the traces’ stats objects do not have the traveltime attribute.