Full Obsplotlib Tutorial#

The tutorial will go over the plotting functions in obsplotlib and how to prepare your data to plot traces, station seismograms and full seismic sections using obsplotlib. Here and there the tutorial will digress into some matplotlib details, to show how you could easily customize the plots to your liking.

Loading all modules#

import numpy as np
import obspy
import obsplotlib.plot as opl
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/runner/work/obsplotlib/obsplotlib/examples/run_1_tutorial.py", line 23, in <module>
    import obsplotlib.plot as opl
  File "/opt/hostedtoolcache/Python/3.11.9/x64/lib/python3.11/site-packages/obsplotlib/plot.py", line 9, in <module>
    from .section import section, section_multiple_comp
  File "/opt/hostedtoolcache/Python/3.11.9/x64/lib/python3.11/site-packages/obsplotlib/section.py", line 10, in <module>
    from . import stream_utils as su
  File "/opt/hostedtoolcache/Python/3.11.9/x64/lib/python3.11/site-packages/obsplotlib/stream_utils.py", line 2, in <module>
    from obspy.taup import TauPyModel
  File "/opt/hostedtoolcache/Python/3.11.9/x64/lib/python3.11/site-packages/obspy/taup/__init__.py", line 449, in <module>
    from .tau import TauPyModel  # NOQA
  File "/opt/hostedtoolcache/Python/3.11.9/x64/lib/python3.11/site-packages/obspy/taup/tau.py", line 16, in <module>
    from .helper_classes import Arrival
  File "/opt/hostedtoolcache/Python/3.11.9/x64/lib/python3.11/site-packages/obspy/taup/helper_classes.py", line 20, in <module>
    ('top_p', np.float_),
  File "/opt/hostedtoolcache/Python/3.11.9/x64/lib/python3.11/site-packages/numpy/__init__.py", line 397, in __getattr__
    raise AttributeError(
AttributeError: `np.float_` was removed in the NumPy 2.0 release. Use `np.float64` instead.

Loading data#

event = obspy.read_events("DATA/CMTSOLUTION")[0]
raw = obspy.read("DATA/observed/traces/*.sac")
inv = obspy.read_inventory("DATA/observed/station.xml")

Before plotting anything let’s get some information about the event and the station and process the data

# Get event latitude and longitude for geometry evaluation
event_time = event.preferred_origin().time
event_latitude = event.preferred_origin().latitude
event_longitude = event.preferred_origin().longitude
event_depth = event.preferred_origin().depth  # in meters
event_name = 'C' + event.preferred_origin().resource_id.id.split('/')[-2]

Attach the event station geometry to the traces, important for rotation to RTZ

opl.attach_geometry(raw, event_latitude=event_latitude,
                    event_longitude=event_longitude, inv=inv)

Processing the data very generically

bandpass = [30, 200]
obs = opl.process(raw, inv=inv, remove_response=True, bandpass=bandpass)


First let’s inspect the trace plotting function. It is in a way a wrapper around the matplotlib plot function but with some added functionality to grab info from the stats object and plot it in a “nice” way.

# Select a trace
network_str, station_str, component_str = "II", "BFO", "Z"
tr = obs.select(network=network_str, station=station_str,

ax = opl.trace(tr, plot_labels=True, lw=0.5)

Since we have both station and event information in the stats object we can add a header to the figure to be a little more explicit.

plt.figure(figsize=(8, 3))
ax = opl.trace(tr, plot_labels=False, origin_time=event_time, lw=0.5)

header_dict = dict(

opl.add_header(ax, **header_dict)
plt.subplots_adjust(left=0.05, right=0.95, top=0.725, bottom=0.15)

In the example above we are providing all possible arguments to the add_header function just for show. Depending on whether they are provided they will be added to the header or not. The header is a simple text object and all font related arguments are passed through plot_label and to plt.text(). The add_newline_station and add_newline_event arguments Simply add a newline and a space after the station name and event name.


Digression: At this point you probably already noticed how I’m using a monospace font. You may adjust this to your liking by changing the plt.rcParams["font.family"] parameter, e.g

plt.rcParams["font.family"] = "Arial"

Monospace is a personal preference of mine, because it makes it easier to align the header and the labels. But it is not the most beautiful font. Especially, if you are comparing traces and plot labels that contain numbers, it is simpler to compare numbers if they are aligned. Anywho I will enable it for the next section before switching back to monospace.


The next function is the station function. Instead of plotting a single trace it will plot a set of components in a single figure. It’s a wrapper around the plot trace function, so most arguments are parsed to the trace function. The The components are defined by a keyword argument. So you may use ZRT NEZ or 123 or just two, RT, for example.

# Switching font to Arial
plt.rcParams["font.family"] = "Arial"

# Get station from observed trace
st = obs.select(network="II", station="BFO")

# Plot the station
plt.figure(figsize=(8, 5))
axes = opl.station(st, components='ZRT', lw=0.5)

# If dissatisfied with legend fontsize and position? Just recreate it using
# the first axes object.
axes[0].legend(frameon=False, loc='lower right', ncol=3, fontsize='small',
               bbox_to_anchor=(1.0, 1.0))

# Add the header with a bit more distance to make room for the legend outside
# the  axes
opl.add_header(axes[0], **header_dict, dist=0.075)

# Slightly adjust the plots to make the fit nicely into the figure
plt.subplots_adjust(left=0.075, right=0.925, top=0.775, bottom=0.15)

Putting the legend outside the axes is nice when we are plotting multiple traces to compare them. But if we are only plotting a single stream, it is nicer to plot the legend inside the axes. Because it removes some unused white space.


Plotting a section should be simple. And obspy does make it fairly easy, but the moment you want to plot a section with multiple components, or align traces it becomes fairly complicated. obsplotlib is trying to streamline these processes, by using some function to add properties to the stats object of the traces and then using these properties to plot the section. We actually already did this earlier in the tutorial when we used opl.attach_geometry(...) to attach the station coordinates to the stats. If you don’t have a stationxml file, you can use opl.attach_geometry(…) after attaching station coordinates to the traces’ stats objects, or manually add distance, (and optionally, azimuth, and back_azimuth for labels) to the stats object. To save space in the section, traces are not plotting by their actual distance, but one by one with a label that has the distance.

# Switching back to monospace
plt.rcParams["font.family"] = "monospace"

plt.figure(figsize=(8, 10))
opl.section(obs, lw=0.5, comp='T')
plt.legend(frameon=False, loc='upper right', ncol=3, fontsize='small')
plt.subplots_adjust(left=0.15, right=0.85, top=0.95, bottom=0.05)

Plotting the same section but with axis limits from 300 seconds to 1500 seconds after the event

starttime = event_time + 600
endtime = event_time + 3600
limits = [starttime, endtime]

plt.figure(figsize=(8, 10))
opl.section(obs, limits=limits, lw=0.5)
plt.subplots_adjust(left=0.15, right=0.85, top=0.95, bottom=0.05)

Plotting the same section but with the origin time defined so that we get Time since event origin on the x-axis.

plt.figure(figsize=(8, 10))
opl.section(obs, origin_time=event_time, lw=0.5)
plt.subplots_adjust(left=0.15, right=0.85, top=0.95, bottom=0.05)

Again plotting the same section but now with the origin time defined so that we get Time since event origin on the x-axis and with axis limits from 300 seconds to 1500 seconds after the event

limits = [600, 3600]
plt.figure(figsize=(8, 10))
opl.section(obs, origin_time=event_time, limits=limits, lw=0.5)
plt.subplots_adjust(left=0.15, right=0.85, top=0.95, bottom=0.05)

Next we are going to plot an aligned sections. To do this each trace must have a obspy.Trace.stats.traveltime parameter. This can be done using the add_traveltime function or manually using your own function.

obs_filtered = opl.add_traveltime(obs, phase='love', orbit=1,
                                  return_filtered=True, vlove=6.5)

Note that the add traveltime function uses the TauPy model by default for body waves and fixed velocity for surface waves. The traveltimes are then computed using the distance parameter in the stats object.

plt.figure(figsize=(8, 10))
opl.section(obs_filtered, origin_time=event_time, lw=0.5, align=True,
plt.subplots_adjust(left=0.15, right=0.85, top=0.95, bottom=0.05)

Now this does not make a lot of sense since the traces are not aligned at the start. Conveniently we can set the limits parameter to only plot a certain time range before and after the arrival times.

limits = [-500, 500]

plt.figure(figsize=(6, 10))
opl.section(obs_filtered, origin_time=event_time, limits=limits, lw=0.5,
            align=True, comp='T')
plt.subplots_adjust(left=0.25, right=0.8, top=0.95, bottom=0.05)

Let’s also plot a section aligned to the P arrival times.

obs_filtered = opl.add_traveltime(obs, event_depth_in_m=event_depth, phase='P',
                                  return_filtered=True, vlove=3.7)
limits = [-100, 150]

plt.figure(figsize=(8, 6))
ax, ax2 = opl.section(obs_filtered, origin_time=event_time, limits=limits, lw=0.5,
ax.plot([0, 0], [-0.5, len(obs_filtered) + 0.5], 'k--', lw=0.5)
plt.subplots_adjust(left=0.15, right=0.85, top=0.95, bottom=0.1)

Note that we have fewer traces here because some land in the Pwave shadow zone and are not recorded but seismographs. Also note, that ax, and ax2 give you axes to the left and right yaxes. ax and ax2 ticks actually set the left and right y axes labels. So far we have only plotted a single component (Z) in the section. obsplotlib also has a function to plot multiple components in a single section. This is done using the opl.section_multiple_comp function. This function takes the same arguments But insted of being a single letter string, the components argument is a string with all components to be plotted in order.

plt.figure(figsize=(9, 5))
axes = opl.section_multiple_comp(obs_filtered, origin_time=event_time,
                                 limits=limits, lw=0.5, align=True,
for ax, _ in axes:
    ax.plot([0, 0], [-0.5, len(obs_filtered) + 0.5], 'k--', lw=0.5)

plt.subplots_adjust(left=0.15, right=0.85, top=0.95, bottom=0.05, wspace=0.75)

One main difference is that the section multiple components will find an absmax to normalize across all streams and traces. This can be overwritten by absmax parameter which can be manually set.

Trace comparison#

So far we have only really looked at a single set of traces. Very often in seismology however we want to look at trace comparisons. And sometimes directly looks at measurements on traces, or windows. Let’s load a second set of traces to compare our observed data too.

# Read traces and station info
synraw = obspy.read("DATA/synthetic/traces/*.sac")
syninv = obspy.read_inventory("DATA/synthetic/station.xml")

Just like with the observed data we are attach geometry for rotation

opl.attach_geometry(synraw, event_latitude=event_latitude,
                    event_longitude=event_longitude, inv=syninv)

Since we want to process both synthetics and observed the same fashion, We have to resample the traces in addition to the basic processing.

starttime = event_time
npts = 10800
sampling_rate_in_hz = 1
bandpass = [40, 500]
obs = opl.process(raw, inv=inv, remove_response=True, bandpass=bandpass,
                  starttime=starttime, npts=npts,

syn = opl.process(synraw, inv=inv, remove_response=False, bandpass=bandpass,
                  starttime=starttime, npts=npts,

Once both are processed we can plot them with

obstr = obs.select(network=network_str, station=station_str,
syntr = syn.select(network=network_str, station=station_str,

ax = opl.trace([obstr, syntr], labels=['Observed', 'GLAD-M25'],
               origin_time=event_time, lw=0.75)

# Just reusing the header dict from earlier
header_dict['station'] = obstr.id
header_dict['bandpass'] = bandpass

opl.add_header(ax, **header_dict)
plt.subplots_adjust(left=0.05, right=0.95, top=0.8, bottom=0.125)

Repeat to plot a station

# Get station from observed trace
obs_st = obs.select(network="II", station="BFO")
syn_st = syn.select(network="II", station="BFO")

# Plot the station
plt.figure(figsize=(8, 5))
axes = opl.station([obs_st, syn_st], components='ZRT', lw=0.5,
                   labels=['Observed', 'GLAD-M25'], nooffset=True)

# If dissatisfied with legend fontsize and position? Just recreate it using
# the first axes object.
axes[0].legend(frameon=False, loc='lower right', ncol=3, fontsize='small',
               bbox_to_anchor=(1.0, 1.0))

# Add the header with a bit more distance to make room for the legend outside
# the  axes
opl.add_header(axes[0], **header_dict, dist=0.075)

# Slightly adjust the plots to make the fit nicely into the figure
plt.subplots_adjust(left=0.075, right=0.925, top=0.775, bottom=0.15)

For the section, we need do a couple more things. The set of traces in these do not perfectly overlapping.

streams = opl.select_intersection([obs, syn], components='ZRT')

Now that we have selected only the traces that are in all streams, we can plot a section with the traces.

plt.figure(figsize=(8, 10))
opl.section(streams, origin_time=event_time, lw=0.5,
            labels=['Observed', 'GLAD-M25'])
plt.subplots_adjust(left=0.15, right=0.85, top=0.95, bottom=0.05)


Often we select windows on traces to measure misfit, cross-correlation times and more. obsplotlib has a function to plot windows on traces with labels of such measurements. The measurements are stored in a list of obsplotlib.Window’s under trace.stats.windows. The window object has a measurement attribute which contains a dictionary with labels of the traces to compare it to which in turn is a dictionary of the actual measurements Let’s see what that means in an example.

First we need to select a window on a trace. We can do this using the add traveltime function from earlier and selecting a window around the arrival

obs_filtered = opl.add_traveltime(obs, event_depth_in_m=event_depth, phase='S',
                                  origin_time=event_time, return_filtered=True)

In traces before 30dg, the S arrival window seems to be unclear wrt. following surfaces waves. So we will only use traces with a distance greater than 35dg.

obs_list = []
for tr in obs_filtered:
    if tr.stats.distance < 35:

obs_filtered = obspy.Stream(obs_list)

Now to make our life a little easier there is a function to copy specific parameters from one trace to another. In this case we want to copy the traveltime

# Select intersection of the observed traces with P traveltime and the synthetic
# traces
obs_filtered, syn_filtered = opl.select_intersection([obs_filtered, syn],

# Copy the traveltime from the observed to the synthetic traces
opl.copy_trace_param(obs_filtered, syn_filtered, 'traveltime')
opl.copy_trace_param(obs_filtered, syn_filtered, 'origin_time')

Let’s first plot these traces in a panel to see what we are working with

plt.figure(figsize=(9, 5))
limits = -200, 250
axes = opl.section_multiple_comp([obs_filtered, syn_filtered],
                                 labels=['Observed', 'GLAD-M25'],
                                 limits=limits, lw=0.5, align=True,

# Add a vertical line at 0 seconds and modify labels
for _i, (ax, _) in enumerate(axes):
    ax.plot([0, 0], [-0.5, len(obs_filtered) + 0.5], 'k--', lw=0.5)
    if _i == 1:
        ax.set_xlabel('Offset from P arrival [s]')

# Add legend to
axes[2][0].legend(frameon=False, loc='lower right', ncol=3, fontsize='small',
                  bbox_to_anchor=(1.0, 1.0))

# Add header with event info
               event=event_name, event_time=event_time,
               event_latitude=event_latitude, event_longitude=event_longitude,
               event_depth_in_km=event_depth/1000.0, dist=0.075)
plt.subplots_adjust(left=0.15, right=0.85, top=0.9, bottom=0.1, wspace=0.75)

Now we can select a window on the observed trace.

for tr in obs_filtered:
    # Create a window object
    tr.stats.windows = [opl.Window(
        starttime=tr.stats.origin_time + tr.stats.traveltime + limits[0],
        endtime=tr.stats.origin_time + tr.stats.traveltime + limits[1])]

Given the window on the observed trace we can now make some measurements. This we abbreviate to calling the convenience function make_measurements. make_measurements will make a measurement for each window on each trace and add it to the window object.

opl.make_measurements(obs_filtered, syn_filtered, label='M25')

The measurements attribute is a dictionary with the following structure:

window.measurements = {
    'label1': {
        'L2': <normalized L2 norm>,
        'Xmx'= <cc max>,
        'DT'= <timeshift>,
        'XR'= <cc_ratio>
    'label2': {


It’s important to note here that the measurement labels are not fixed in the plotting functions but rather grabbed from this dictionary. So you can add your own measurements to the dictionary and plot them. Simply add a dictionary or an AttribDict to the trace.stats.windows[idx].measurements dictionary with the label as key and the measurement dictionary as value.

Now that we have windows and some measurements we can plot them using any of the previous methods. Let’s plot them as trace first

network_str = 'IU'
station_str = 'HRV'
component_str = 'Z'
stationtr = obs_filtered.select(network=network_str, station=station_str)[0]

headerdict = dict(

Grab only the Z component

obstr = obs_filtered.select(network=network_str, station=station_str,
syntr = syn_filtered.select(network=network_str, station=station_str,

# Now, let's plot a full station plot the station
plt.figure(figsize=(8, 5))
ax = opl.trace([obstr, syntr], lw=0.5, window=True,
               labels=['Observed', 'GLAD-M25'], nooffset=True,
               limits=(500, 3250),

opl.add_header(ax, **headerdict, dist=0.025)
# Slightly adjust the plots to make the fit nicely into the figure
plt.subplots_adjust(left=0.075, right=0.925, top=0.775, bottom=0.15)

Now, let’s plot a full station, so let’s grab all station traces

obsst = obs_filtered.select(network=network_str, station=station_str)
synst = syn_filtered.select(network=network_str, station=station_str)

plt.figure(figsize=(8, 5))
axes = opl.station([obsst, synst], components='ZRT', lw=0.5, window=True,
                   labels=['Observed', 'GLAD-M25'], nooffset=True,
                   limits=(15.0*60.0, 30.0*60.0)

opl.add_header(axes[0], **headerdict, dist=0.025)

# Slightly adjust the plots to make the fit nicely into the figure
plt.subplots_adjust(left=0.075, right=0.925, top=0.775, bottom=0.15)
# Plot the station
plt.figure(figsize=(8, 5))
axes = opl.section([obs_filtered, syn_filtered],
                   comp='Z', lw=0.5, window=True, limits=(500, 3250),
                   labels=['Observed', 'GLAD-M25'],

opl.add_header(axes[0], **headerdict, dist=0.025)
# Slightly adjust the plots to make the fit nicely into the figure
plt.subplots_adjust(left=0.15, right=0.85, top=0.9, bottom=0.1)

Now let’s turn back to a single trace, and plot the window on it. So, far we have only plotted the extent of the trace and the window. But we can also plot the measurements on the window. To do this we have to parse a dictionary to the kwarg windowkwargs with the key plot_measurements=True.

obstr = obs_filtered.select(network=network_str, station=station_str,
syntr = syn_filtered.select(network=network_str, station=station_str,

plt.figure(figsize=(8, 4.25))
ax = opl.trace([obstr, syntr], labels=['Observed', 'GLAD-M25'],
               limits=(500, 3250),
               origin_time=event_time, lw=0.75,
               window=True, nooffset=True,
opl.add_header(ax, **headerdict, dist=0.025)

Finally let’s add a second set of traces to the plot. This time we will use amplitude measurements we made earlier to find an amplitude correction factor and apply it to the synthetic traces to make them match the observed slightly better. Then, we make measurements again and plot them.

# Copy the synthetics
newsyn = syn_filtered.copy()

# Get factor
factor = np.mean([window.measurements['M25']['XR']
                 for _tr in obs_filtered for window in _tr.stats.windows])

# Correct new synthetics
for tr in newsyn:
    tr.data *= factor

# Make measurements
opl.make_measurements(obs_filtered, newsyn, label='M25C')

Now we plot the measurements on Z and R components of the station with both the windows and the measurements. That we added to the windows

# Subselect streams
obsst = obs_filtered.select(network=network_str, station=station_str)
synst = syn_filtered.select(network=network_str, station=station_str)
newsynst = newsyn.select(network=network_str, station=station_str)

plt.figure(figsize=(8, 5))
ax = opl.station([obsst, synst, newsynst], labels=['Observed', 'M25', 'M25C'],
                 limits=(500, 3250), components='ZR',
                 origin_time=event_time, lw=0.75,
                 window=True, nooffset=True,
opl.add_header(ax[0], **headerdict, dist=0.025)

In doing this we have more or less performed a small inversion. If we optimize for the sources scalar moment, M0, considering all S arrivals, simply perform a scaling. By finding all time-shifted correlation ratios between observed and synthetic data we find the amplitude that best fits the data, but disregard the phase. This is a very simple inversion, but it is a good example For showing measurements on traces and windows.

Total running time of the script: (0 minutes 0.670 seconds)

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